The Bears Necessities is published quarterly and distributed to all Bears Crossing owners by e-mail. Please contact the editor if you have questions, or would like to contribute to a future edition. Photographs, articles, and ideas for community contests or activities are welcome.
** Disclaimer: The purpose of The Bears Necessities newsletter is to provide general information only. It is intended to share news about Bears Crossing Community, as well as to educate owners regarding the Community’s resources, rules, regulations, and procedures. The information published in the newsletter is believed to be reliable and every effort is made to ensure that the information is as accurate as possible at the time of publication. The owner of the newsletter, Bears Crossing Homeowners Association (BCHOA), disclaims any implied warranty or representation of its accuracy or use for any particular purpose. This includes information provided by third parties, which are accessed though the newsletter via hyperlinks. Those persons who access the newsletter assume responsibility for the use of said information and understand and agree that the owner of the newsletter, BCHOA, is not responsible or liable for any claim, loss, or damage arising from the use of any information contained therein. Any reference to specific products, companies, or services does not constitute or imply recommendation or endorsement by BCHOA. The Bears Necessities newsletter shall not be shared, published, or copied without express written consent from BCHOA.