Bears Crossing

Our Neighbors

Bears Crossing Community

Tucked away in a small corner of the Green Mountain National Forest, Bears Crossing strives to maintain the serenity and beauty of the surrounding environment. Our aptly named development is frequented by all manner of wildlife, from black bears, foxes, and deer, to owls, woodpeckers, hummingbirds, chipmunks, turtles, garter snakes, frogs, newts, and butterflies, among others.

Owners and their guests are asked to take care during their time in Bears Crossing to protect our woodland neighbors and their natural habitat. Please leave no trace and observe the following practices:

  • Don’t litter. Avoid leaving trash or food of any kind outside your home or condo.
  • Owners and long-term renters who bring pets to the Community must ensure they are leashed at all times outdoors in accordance with the HOA’s Pet Policy.
  • Don’t put food or materials with food residue into the Community’s recycling bin.
  • Never leave trash or recycling outside of the Community’s dumpster or recycling bin. Make sure the dumpster is securely locked after depositing trash bags.
  • Use caution when visiting the trash area during the summer, when black bears may be in the area searching for easy meals.